About the authors

David E. Greenberg - David grew up in Bensohurst, a neighborhood in Brooklyn New York. He attended PS 247, Seth Low Jr. High School and Lafayette H.S. and later on earned his B.S. Degree in Business Administration from California State University at Fullerton California. Related to his business, David has extensively traveled throughout Asia and Europe. David also served in both the US Army and the US Air Force as a cryptographer. His most enjoyable time is spent fishing and of course spending time with his wife, son, daughter-in-law and grandson. But there's still a soft spot in his heart for spending precious time with his sister Annette. Today, David and his wife live in Banning California .

Annette M. Spector - Like David, Annette attended the same primary schools through high school. She then earned her B.A. degree in education from Brooklyn College and later her MS Ed degree from Queens College. She is certified in elementary education and learning disabilities. In 1985 she established her own private practice as an educational consultant and is the director of Diagnostic and Educational Resources , Falls Church Virginia. Since moving to San Francisco she now splits her time between her practice and the care of her grandchildren. For her and her husband to be so near their daughters is a pure joy. Visit her website at www.DER-Online.com.